#1 Good effort. Overall, working in decent-sized chunks. Delivery at times somewhat hesitant, be careful with fillers. Stronger into RU. When you take on a big chunk, covering both questions and answers, it often makes sense to indicate who said what: Q/A; Minister/President… Some bits and bobs: • Careful with articles (quite a few got omitted where they were needed, for eg. “in regions” came up quite a few times) • Much more/many more • An “абитуриент” is not just a “school graduate” (in the context of grant-supported admission ratios) And a tech NB. The sound of your pencil scribbling away and the pages of your notebook being turned come through very loudly on the recording. If it were an actual assignment, try to mute your mic when listening, and try to keep your pen/notebook a bit further away from the mic when interpreting. Good luck!
#2 Месседж спикеров передан практически на 100% несмотря на сложность темы, особенно в паре англ.-рус.
The final
Final points
Battle / Quarterfinals Contestants ‘spar’ in pairs, determined by lots. The Jury chooses one out of every pair.
Battle / Semi-finals Masters and a team of experts work with the semifinalists to improve their performance. The participants battle with each other within a small group. Contestant with the best score within each team goes to the Finals.
The final Each Master will endorse one finalist for each profile:
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